thumbnail of walter-white-breaking-bad.gif
thumbnail of walter-white-breaking-bad.gif
walter-white-breaking... gif
(1.51 MB, 640x360)
thumbnail of jlvKdZ.gif
thumbnail of jlvKdZ.gif
jlvKdZ gif
(1.28 MB, 320x181)
> I am alive. Had some medical stuff going on.
I hope you are doing OK, also wish you well. What happened? Stupid joke that I remember hearing some form of somewhere:
Patient: How long do I have to live?
Doctor: 10.
Patient: Ten years, that's not so bad.
Doctor: No, ten seconds.

> selectively duplicate data [SLOC too long]
(The thing to do that is semi-automatic and semi-manual; so hit ctrl+c if you want to skip something based on info it shows about it, and then add it to the ignore list.)

*that could be a problem

> older computer [HPC]
(The main computer that I used isn't HPC; main computer has an uptime of 27 days, and its a late 2010s computer I think.)

> in a too-above-room-temperature area
I'm in that area. I'm sweating.