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This "gallery-dl --dump-json $twiturl" and this "gallery-dl -g $twiturl" shows slightly different info. Call it "trivial", so skip that and just go with:
> $ gallery-dl --write-pages --write-metadata --write-info-json
> [...] # it downloaded a reply too

About CPU frequency - on main computer:
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
> 1500000
> $ cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_max_freq
> 1500000
(More to organize: /ipfs/bafybeian2luozu2sns74yubrwl7fxoxlapsa2ytkybdapvwdcav3qrwwfm - software, mlp audiobook, mediafire, ponylife,, mlp comics, ...)

Can't post .json to Endchan, so instead of sharing those text files, here's 3 extra pics I didn't really feel like posting ( downloads).