Die_Young_... mkv
(33.87 MB, 0x0 h264)
> do a less intensive thing: dag import/export...
Done:$ b=bafybeia6ru6eawxa2rw5my475hxpg7g4rmurq7hdwq3v3grlkcrm3yo3im
$ read -p ":" h; b="$b$(echo -n "\|$h")" # enter a CID to skip
$ a=349; echo $b; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | grep -v "$b" | \
sed "s/ .*//g" | sort | tail -n+$a | n=$a xargs -d "\n" sh -c \
'for args do echo $n; ipfs files stat /ipfs/$args; ipfs ls -s \
$args | head; ssh hpc@ "export IPFS_PATH=/path; \
ipfs --offline pin add --progress $args" || ipfs dag export \
$args | ssh hpc@ "export IPFS_PATH=/mnt/z7; \
ipfs dag import --stats; ipfs pin add --progress $args"; \
echo ==; echo; n=$(expr $n + 1); \
done' _ # increase a=. Exit codes carry over from ssh-remote to local-host (I think), so 'ssh comp "cmd"; echo $?' should show 1, 0, or whatever cmd's exit code was.
. ipfs daemon running in HPC = fan speed is a bit too high (so maybe too high temperature), so to be safe, don't run it while duplicating data to HPC.
Kinda like this (shipping) PMV!
> /ipfs/bafybeidnsk272zjignjp6aowfngt5g6vdgcdwqbsnelj3dl6iexrbmvhme/Die_Young_-_FlutterDash_PMV-Vitoria_Fumo-20220831-youtube-1280x720-5XJNgB0VKNA.mkv
Pop music; contents of .description file:
> My Little Pony belong to Hasbro and Lauren Faust
> Song belongs to Ke$ha