2012 video not in TPA - "horsefucker.avi":
. loginwall

(Thread number in filename.) That sucks. What's it say the diff is between the last saved post and the last post?

I skimmed through that thread at https://desuarchive.org/mlp/thread/41142220/ and saw
. Stupid posts
. No answer to that question

Last homepage snapshot = before June 8:

Before ever watching that series I saw some webm compilation of this character; it was like a condensed version of this video:
> https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=NIPYxdux_DA - title="SOLDIER BOY being a (BOOMER) BASED for 7 minutes HD | 'THE BOYS'"
Quote from that character - related to yesterday:
> I'm no godless, dickless commie. I'm red-blooded. But not commie red. Red-white-and-blue red. I fart "The Star-Spangled Banner." https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=4I-qUlqVvAw