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To understand "My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic" better, one must understand the society in which it was created and know more about the author. MLP:FIM was created in part as a result of feminism/girl power. In short, when watching the show, you won't be hearing stupid phrases such as "women make less money when working the same job as men." However the feminism is still there in a subtle way, I'm pretty sure, or at least in the dialectic behind the show and how it was different from other shows back in the 2010s. Feminism is a bad idea. Maybe I won't go in detail on that, but instead I will connect it to a broader topic (with an idea from Curtis Yarvin, AKA Mencius Moldbug). Some societies have ministers of propaganda, so you have Paul Joseph Goebbels ("Ger-bulls") controlling the politically correct ideas of a society in a top-down or centralized way. In democracies such as those in western societies, this control that political correctness has over society is done in a decentralized way. There isn't one government entity that dictates what's wrongthink. Instead, there's a rainbow coalition of commies, fags, libs, queers, kikes, niggers and dykes (oh my!), ranging from academia to the media to the government and everywhere in between. Why is this decentralized political power such a force? Because democracy is a fag enabler is incompatible with freedom. Democracy enables bad ideas to flourish. Democracy is conducive to and gives a foothold for bad ideas to gain power. These bad ideas are concerned with "progress" and in the midst of progressivism. A core idea of leftism is ignoring what people are actually like and instead focusing on an ideal of what humans could be, as if that is such a flexible thing. As if humans are interchangeable cogs and can be easily reprogrammed to fit their socioeconomic and political agenda. The left has hope that their dreams can be true and cope in convincing themselves that humans can easily be bent to that idea; put in less dismissive words: class consciousness (or whatever) then suddenly everything will be hunky-dory.
Maybe democracy isn't to blame as much as the general political focus is to blame. And that general political idea is the one arising from the French Revolution or just Modernism. The western democracies of the past three centuries are a facet of modernism. The political ideas before modernism were mainly disregarded during modernism, so maybe those are better ideas and don't lead to the political shit we find ourselves in today. However, I don't think all modernist political ideas are bad or horrible. Some examples include the American ideas of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, the right to keep and bear arms, and laws being the highest authority (a republic based on a constitution and stuff). If humans are as unchanging as reactionaries think, then a Republic and a Constitution makes sense; as in: there's these main laws that can't be changed, and otherwise, states can have their own laws.