03f92edbce... png
(2.44 MB, 1984x3142)
I downloaded 5.09 GB of it before mega.nz rate limited me (so I paused it):
> INFO: pool-3-thread-5 Worker [3] Failed chunk download : HTTP error code : 509 NHNB Archive/fim.7z
> [...]INFO: pool-3-thread-8 Worker [6] has FAILED downloading (direct) chunk [201]! NHNB Archive/fim.7z
MegaBasterd 8.21 should be able to download another 5G ~24 hours after the first HTTP 509 Bandwidth Limit Exceeded. Images from nhnb /clop/:
> file:///.../NHNB%20Archive/clop/media/00451ea9a1eb79ecd4b084bc148aafec0e5dda4092960c12b74dfa456c2001a9.jpg
> etc.
Is there a pony with an orange coat like Applejack's IRL? I think so (an equine with orange or near-orange fur).
ITT, there's some posts about Tor and the basically one-and-only MLP-focused onionsite. I wonder if there's any working Tor2web or Tor2web-like thing. Dead:
. *.onion.cat - "failed: Name or service not known."
. *.onion.foundation - "failed: Name or service not known"
. *.onion.pet - "|:80... failed: Connection timed out."
. *.onion.ly - "|:80... failed: Connection timed out."
. *.onion.dog redirects to https://flagpole-1.tcpdump.org/
.. example: https://web.archive.org/web/20240709010106/http://ciadotgov4sjwlzihbbgxnqg3xiyrg7so2r2o3lt5wz5ypk4sxyjstad.onion.dog/
. *.onion.re - redirects to localhost, weird.
.. so for me, http://fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion.re/ipfs/bafybeic4opsbwsqomrl2n3paf2dh36ndqoduojqw5fken42onzcyhour3i looks the same as
... https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeic4opsbwsqomrl2n3paf2dh36ndqoduojqw5fken42onzcyhour3i = some text files, software, and media mentioned/linked ITT
... http://fzdqwfb5ml56oadins5jpuhe6ki6bk33umri35p5kt2tue4fpws5efid.onion/ = a web3-related site that exited in the past (it is gone now, sadly)
... you can put any text at all before .onion.re and it will still redirect http://localhost/ ( such as http://bafybeigcncgcy5snst4e64rstfhe7zkhqm4vxkktktlgfutckuwhbekg6y.onion.re/ or http://jksdjkdskjds.onion.re/ )
The above were tested on http://piratebayo3klnzokct3wt5yyxb2vpebbuyjl7m623iaxmqhsd52coid.onion/ (but with a clearweb TLD) today via wget. Article https://wikiless.vern.cc/wiki/Tor2web implies that there are no public Tor-to-clearweb gateways on the Internet because it currently has this text:
> List of active tor2web-like services
> Need's new gateways