1436234705676 png
(123.75 KB, 1214x818)
1436428534556 png
(215.04 KB, 1280x720)
> should be able to download another 5G ~24 hours after the first HTTP 509
Like 6 or 12 hours after first getting 509'd, I was able to download the rest of that NHNB folder. How long, specifically?
> Jul 08, 2024 4:21:34 PM [...HTTP] 509 [...]
> Jul 08, 2024 8:20:25 PM [...HTTP] 509 [...]
> Jul 09, 2024 1:11:13 AM com.tonikelope.megabasterd.ChunkDownloader run
> INFO: pool-3-thread-3 Worker [1] has OK DOWNLOADED (direct) chunk [203]! NHNB Archive/fim.7z[...]
> Jul 09, 2024 1:11:47 AM com.tonikelope.megabasterd.ChunkWriterManager run
> INFO: pool-3-thread-2 ChunkWriterManager has written to disk chunk [201] 4,072,144,896 201 NHNB Archive/fim.7z...
Like 10 hours
> 14580 SERPs
I downloaded approx. all of those 14,580 pages. For some reasons wget didn't get outlinks (was ran with level=1 or level=2 but not with -p). I'm in the process of importing those MLP-related images and videos from that darkweb site. BTW, one can see stats like this:
> Imported 1 blocks (197641 bytes)
> Imported 3 blocks (374385 bytes)
but never "Imported 2 blocks" because if it has two blocks then it also has a parent one, so either 1, 3, or a >3 integer.
> contains music so YT is extra stingy with it. Wonder if I can download some other random YT video with yt-dlp now.
mpv (yt-dlp or youtube-dl) could play https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=Lm39YkGrHp8 - which has another dead-friend/relative-liked-this-track comment as the top comment:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20240703004040/https://invidious.private.coffee/watch?v=Lm39YkGrHp8 - title="Joni Mitchell - California" and also contains music
> That loona archive really needs to be archived: mega.nz/folder/aAUQlIJJ#Q24arPlyUKzV8hqsVELR5g
I downloaded that ARG-related folder. Not sure what exactly some of these images are about. One of them =
> ./mega.nz-folder-aAUQlIJJ-Q24arPlyUKzV8hqsVELR5g/LOONA/nloonaarchive/my stuff/moonbutt loony single (30).png