CIQC7VGR6DE4V... data
(172.04 KB, 1024x1365)
I <3 Applejack
- 3.2 GB, in one HDD as of now; Matthais_Media_Mashups_UCDZ-H818JKMUoK0RxBbQq2w
- yt-dlp showed these warnings - don't know if that matters:
> WARNING: [youtube] 6hKbAUJMH4k: nsig extraction failed: Some formats may be missing
> n = 4FJ-Hm8f1V4Yr2IoTnd ; player =
> WARNING: [youtube] 6hKbAUJMH4k: nsig extraction failed: Some formats may be missing
> n = lW6hbWmViYSLdlkUuXk ; player =
Stating the obvious: money is a big source of archival power.
I'm copying a shitty HDD's contents to another HDD (folder "video" is related to older files >>/10662/). Root:
[i] /z8/audio/
[?] /z8/b/
[e] /z8/put/
[?] /z8/software/
[e] /z8/t/
[d] /z8/text/
[.] /z8/video/
[e] /z8/web/
KEY: d=done; e=done; errors; .=in progress; i=indexed, skipped; ?=semidone or totally done. Record rsync info to root/metadata/donelist.txt \\ Some raw blocks show up as regular files in a folder in $IPFS_PATH:
> /za/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/2I/
> /za/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/2G/
> /za/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/2H/
> /za/b/ipfs/.ipfs/blocks/2D/