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> I am right in between Meh, and Liking it. It wasn't horrible, there where somethings I was confused by, though it's hard to separate nitpics that shouldn't mater in a kids show with actual problems. 
It has much less plot holes that could bring a mess than The Crystal Empire or The Crystalling. You can try and check where the line is between your nitpicks and the problems you see though.

> Like the new characters way more then I thought I would. Will see if that stays throughout as they develop. 
Surprisingly,they are pretty well defined for their debut,no way I would imagine I would enjoy their moment. so quickly like the Castle of the two sisters or the lake race between each other

> Still won't be making any judgments on the school concept until I see more episodes and get a feel for the flow of things.
The concept is under judgement,both inside the show and in the critic eye. It may not the be the most original setup but it's the most accesible one for reuniting all the species together.

> from what I've seen right now it's overall mixed positive. Will have yet to see if that will stay. /mlp/ was split. Some of course happy. Some hating SJW morals. Some thinking they were really subtle redpills, and some hating our Dolores.
Well, better than The Crystalling and around the same for Celestial Advice. Just as you would expect from them. I am chill about this,mostly because by the looks of the song of being together(in the preview),I thought this was about progressivism and stuff,but turns out it has ended pretty much in its own rule and context. Nor one side nor the other,just what they thought it was convenient or felt like doing it.
Dolores was again a sidekick for Twilight,just like Spike,she has served for some Twilight's reflections since her redemption. Even though I scream wow for the memes and laughs, she was an observer and just told her some advice.No deus ex machinas,mary sue nor she doesn't do anything wrong.She just gave her thoughts.

> Though I did see a lot more mixed reactions rather then outright negative butthurt like I was expecting. I even saw an Ancap on /mlpol/ happy over it having what could be interpreted as an anti-government run education message. I personally think the new student characters helped it a good bit, because among even people who liked outside of chans I saw some butthurt/confusion on Chancellor Neighsay. Though were still a fair bit that liked him.
Wow,an ancap having wet dreams,that's new. I mean,there are lots of interpretations about it but putting it as a form of rebel.... I am in for freedom of decisions but it's a must for everyone to keep the values and show what could be learnt from us.
The Chancellor did something of ambiguous. On one hand,he was right about having fears and paranoia of not following the patterns that have worked for a millenia. However,his values are pretty strict and while it may contain the best values out there,they are obnoxiously placed and forced because it has to be exactly that method.Also,he looked down at other species because his values don't serve for other species(and his morals or lessons could be universal,applying to everyone) but he excluded the "foreigners and almost created a world war because of that ego. That might explain why some find him confusing.