>>/10548/ [06/25/2024]
> I've been notified recently that someone wants to start archiving pony stuff on Twitter. The motivation is obvious given the many recent changes to that site. There's also many artists there that do not post their pony art anywhere else, and fishing for ancient accounts associated with conventions, websites, DHX staff and so on will be very informative for fandom history.
A post from like a year ago says:
> - various links posted in this general [/pag/]
> - Der'u DNP: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmU9UaK8WAZuCcWanSAVCcFSoZosMiUSprGThCBmFpCW4C (ctrl+f+twitter=246 matches)
> - outlinks from warcs, such as outlinks from mlp con spreadsheet at https://bafybeih7xwy74lhu44ugboxejkjixo3jgy4aea3uouzrh2wxexinoqsch4.ipfs.ipfs.hypha.coop/
Also: 1. open Xitter 2. search "#MLP" or look from pony profile pictures 3. download those profiles
I would have shared this list+info earlier if I didn't share it in the past and I wasn't more depressed than normal ( https://ipfs.hypha.coop/ipfs/QmbiG4TMA6LbMZe18j6vEC3k5PytAjNgACr6F5eiGqsV8d/21%20Guns.mp3 ). Not sure if you are here now though.
Months ago, derpibooru.org added this thing where recently uploaded images don't show up in search or main index until like 10 minutes after being posted and after a janny looked at it. When under this "review period", the webpage and image are publicly Internet-accessible (I'm pretty sure/IIRC). I think this is dumb, but it isn't as bad as what booru.org-owned site https://realbooru.com/ does. realbooru.com does this: uploaded images and videos are only accessible to jannies, and only after they approve it will the webpage and file become publicly+Internet-accessible. If you have a derpibooru.org account from like 7 years ago which hasn't been banned recently, then Derpibooru doesn't apply this review period, but if you get temp-banned, once you can post again, image uploads from said account will then be subject to said review period. I saw that happen in 2023 I think: wasn't banned=no image review, tempbanned, unbanned=image review on. Said account is permabanned now for a stupid nonsense reason. Observations on an account which isn't perma-banned:
image:https://endchan.org/.media/e6ebb880134722ed864255fdefe01f55-imagepng.png + tags:twilight sparkle, solo, pony, mare, female, unicorn, cutie mark, g4, simple background, :https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/images/3403167 (ul'd 2024-07-16T19:58:57Z) = showed up at https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/ after 4 minutes. Showed up there 3 minutes after being posted: https://derpinxghr4jpjk4h4acjxyrx4rcwtk7ggjyt32uyaxgodqq7cfewuqd.onion/images/3403168