> Historical context of paper? How did it get into your possession? I always liked old fonts like that.
[My response here...] For now, I can say: I think it's A4 printer paper - inked by a typewriter sometime in the 1900s ("1900s" meaning 1900 to 2000 and not 1900 to 1910, also leaning towards 1950s to 1970s). Maybe 1980s or after. Hell, it's very unlikely, but someone could have made that cultural artifact in 2024 then put it where I found it (I first saw it in 2024-07). I could say the same thing if I first found it in 2025. It's sometimes hard to know the date of something if it was found long after its inception (no "first found by person x date").
"Find a Pet" = name of the song in the episode "May the Best Pet Win!". Episode title "May the Best Pet Win" was my second guess before looking it up.
*You can see pictures
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> KEY: ... x=done, excluding one file ...