The first thing that stuck out about this episode too me was how this episode feels very much like... how do I say? Young kids show. Now, MLP is a young kids show, but certain aspects of this feel more on the nose and toddler than what the average baseline that was established later. Applejack questioning Twilight Sparkle on trees not being safe before she tells them of Golden Oaks' magical lightning rod really putting that feeling home for me, (among other things, like Twilight Sparkle for sure). I don't think this is bad though. Just Season 1 for ya. Honestly, I can find it a bit charming in a way.
Sheltering inside during a storm in an unexpected slumber party made for a comfy setting. Applejack's and Rarity's bickering I found humorous enough. Twilight Sparkle acting like a little girl who never had a slumber party is childish, but fitting for a character who was extremely anti-social. They had Twilight Sparkle distracted trying to have the perfect by the book slumber party and that being the excuse for her not noticing her friends tension; this is a fine enough excuse on its own, but, I think having her realizing there was tension to the point of calling them out only to retreat back into distracted book mode when the tree had befallen her house felt a bit like her holding the idiot ball. Of course, they had to do this so it could be Rarity and Applejack who saved the day themselves. This is at most, a nitpick though. It doesn't bug me and I could see a possible defense being made of Twilight Sparkle's sometimes neurotic personality retreating back to the book as a means of trying to find order amidst an unfamiliar situation.
I don't have much to say on the lesson this time around. I thought it was fine (maybe kind of clever). Brain is still scrambled some by medication.
As for right now, my rating is 7/10. Another winner.