Lets Read... mp3
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Lets Read... mp3
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Lets Read... mp3
(11.34 MB, 0x0)
> Twilight Sparkle is wife material, but who's the prettiest mare?
This >>/10720/ https://endchan.org/.media/11ad4e1778c3ff700783855b579ad437-audiompeg.mp3 says the following, per https://fimfetch.net/story/16364/tugging-at-her-heartstrings/1 :
> And there she was. \\ The most beautiful mare you’ve ever seen, right before you. Her eyes meet yours and she smiles widely. Her pastel coat is shimmering in the sunlight as she slowly trots closer to you, her eyes fixated on your own. You can see that she is deliberately swinging her flank with each step. \\ She stops and quickly brushes her mane out of her beautiful golden eyes. Your heart begins to race. \\ “Hey...” she says, her voice sultry and her eyes keeping in touch with your own. You want to reply, but instead you find your words stuck in your throat. \\ Suddenly, the TV turns off. \\ What!?” you cry at the blank set. You swing your head to find Lyra Heartstrings, your “caretaker” and friend, leaning against the back of the couch, a remote control hanging before her in a soft golden aura. She gives you a disapproving glance. [...]
That audio isn't "audiobook quality". Here's the next parts.
BTW, quickly format a partition in Linux to NTFS (for usage with this older "Windows XP computer" that I've been using):
> $ sudo mkfs.ntfs --quick /dev/sdx1 # skips bad sector check and initialize with binary zeros from what I've read
Option "--quick" from a SERP (search engine results page). No documentation, annoyingly:
> $ man mkfs.ntfs
> No manual entry for mkfs.ntfs
> $ mkfs.ntfs --help
> bash: mkfs.ntfs: command not found