(7.82 MB, 0x0)
(6.44 MB, 0x0)
(10.12 MB, 0x0)
(10.09 MB, 0x0)
(6.55 MB, 0x0)
/mlp/ Antithology 2022, which I was going to write more about:
> $ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmWw1uqSp3CyA4SNALzAr8eEJA4pyK5kti1gxVg19GYGW9
> QmcAs4TycGXpseBcwpFbskuNUPaEKnpSZJ6FVAL4m6Gs2A 3192200170 FINAL 12mbps anti2022 silenced - reencoded 1080p.mp4
> $ ipfs ls -s /ipfs/QmcAs4TycGXpseBcwpFbskuNUPaEKnpSZJ6FVAL4m6Gs2A
> QmdwFMuFfUHgdy7Yh5DdaxVtHSCL9V3DJWCEC5p2s1fFE5 182452224
> QmegK3tqEXgg2qgm21bJE4YQbyAHiS5tLFhEHjXGyEuVZz 182452224
> QmcbcNGtmHRoBBJJ7V6mfJsu6XiGZQSu1q8zQLeWQDcwzc 182452224
> [...]
> Banned off of archive.org
I got level-1-or-0 WARCs of item webpages that are newer than the last ones in the previous index (plus newer copies of all item pages in said index). Check progress when you are when grabbing multiple URLs:$ echo "tail -fn0 wpull.log"; read -p ":" h; grep -n $
input_file | grep $(echo $h | sed "s/’//g"); wc -l input_fileTodo: newer item data.
> >My_Little_Pony_dub_part_2-TNSS-20240721-youtube-1920x1080-FS9ERv_JS1g.mp4
> Kinda meh.
Not sure why I said that. It's pretty decent for a fan dub/audio edit. I rerate this as OK/good.
(LOC too long, 190 > 80.)
> Here's some tracks from that Everfree_Radio_RIP torrent which stood out to me (4 of them).
Another 5
> redundancy for larger pins
For now at least, I will not be getting redundancy for some "huge ones": because I have reason(s) to think that that data will persist into the future.
> https://endchan.org/.media/7d660acdd7673e67fcf67f708ea37cf9-audiompeg.mp3 = Artist: General Mumble \ Title: Pony Holiday
Sounds like or reminds me of the Dutch Eurodance group Vengaboys.