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There only one true criticism I do have on that topic to Neighsay. At the very /end/ how he just attacked "everycreature"  in front of Celestia. That... I just. He nearly started a major diplomatic incident and he wasn't fired for it. I mean you can say that he did back off. I just can't believe the impunity he showed at the end. Even if you could say he wasn't fired because many other ponies likely hold those views in authority, still the way he acted was beyond the bounds of the atmosphere of all that we have seen before with other government figures, who were all part of the "we secretly hate each other but we must act prim and propper" from everyone from Ms. Harshwhinny to the Canterlot elite and the few other higher up bureaucrats we've seen.

I won't have much a problem with him otherwise. I guess the thing was that they wanted to give him an aura of intimidation like a villain. I think they could've still had the same problem but it making slightly more sense, but Oh well, the only part I truly didn't like was how it was resolved. 

Random other note: How was a pacing? The story for me actually flowed a little smoother then other times in mlp. Which surprised me because when I thought about it, did weeks or even months pass in setting up the school? What's that gonna do to the timeline? Ha ha!

> Her sudden transformation kind of caught me out of guard, I thought the seapony form was only applied when hippogriffs touched the water, not completely on earth. Novo transformed by splashing some water but this one had nothing of it.

Me too.