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>>/10708/ > It as a property is so long around and gone through so many changes being a fan of it without that attitude must be trying. Fans of the classic show only get new material in the form of the comics and the audio plays from Big Finish, so I think classic-Who fans are more loosey-goosey with that stuff in general. The nu-Who fans though? I think they maybe have more of an attachment to canonicity, though the reboot is intended as a straight continuation. I like both old and new to be clear, though I have a preference for the old show. >>/10709/ > Rarity and AJ looking at Golden Oaks was for vary similar reasons. That is a very comfy shot! >>/10709/ > I don't mind you getting to it first btw, as I said, not strict on pace! I think I got to it already! Here: >>/10696/ >>/10713/ > Someone who still thinks and sees depth with some things but has a cultured superiority as to what that is. I am (or used to be? dunno) a big classical music and opera fan, and I have a familiarity with those elements that make it more cultured - and while those are present and I can recognise them, on the other hand, nobody's going to consume purely high-art entertainment, and nobody did in the time in which that sort of stuff was made. Shakespeare and Wagner are great storytellers, yes, but at the end of the day their meaning is very impersonal and their works are more of interest for the technical achievement of making something so masterful than anything else. Opera is constructed in such a way that it's semi-mythical anyways, and I'd venture to suggest that getting truly emotionally invested in high art is about as easy as getting emotionally invested in the Icelandic Sagas or the Iliad: not impossible, but very difficult to feel with any depth of emotion. If something's GOOD but that's all it is, at the end of the day it's mildly interesting to me and that's pretty much it. Watching all of the subtitled Ring Cycle on one half of the screen while I played Minecraft on the other half age 15 is still a fond memory though.