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> what it looks like when an IA account gets banned:
> . Can't log in to use with WBM or IA
> .. GUI: See picrel
> .. CLI: Bucket [for https://archive.org/details/...] is gone
Also, API key for saving URLs to web.archive.org = gone/disabled. Message about SPN:
> $ curl -s -m 60 -X POST --data-urlencode url="https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreigus5s7tx57l2tzph4yed2heqml5dfk3i6ddrnz6q6654vhtf6drq" -d "if_not_archived_within=123456789" -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Authorization: LOW $(head -n1 ~/iakey.txt):$(tail -n1 ~/iakey.txt)" https://web.archive.org/save; echo
> {"message":"You need to be logged in to use Save Page Now."}
> $ # same message without '-H "Authorization:[...]"'
wget isn't available in some systems, so all you get is curl. How would one run "wget --spider ..." but with curl instead? With curl 7.81.0:
> $ TZ=UTC curl -L https://web.archive.org/save/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreigz3jrhhgk3cxrahwcwcn2skh6vyjkkmeryoityv6kmkf2ahojw2q | xxd | head
> [worked, took like 55 seconds to finish]
> $ TZ=UTC curl --progress-bar -L https://web.archive.org/save/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreibyjoddf3dht7wolevbacvso6ayfslfy3gmnsjtvtgep26kryyvdm | xxd | head -n2
both don't have nice progress info like "wget --spider" has. "Too much info":
> $ TZ=UTC curl -vL https://web.archive.org/save/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreihrq7znyfclichy4e3vr3pdxfeq3pywk44dgcm5kykc37kq4jzn2i | xxd | head
Still no nice progress info like "wget --spider", but better than the above = use --head (-I):
> $ # TZ=UTC strace --trace=write curl -IL https://web.archive.org/save/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreidszwkbyypngw4qwmvxblrou77g6ynlfkyqclpypkqqfuonr2rste
> $ # TZ=UTC curl --no-styled-output -IL https://web.archive.org/save/https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafkreied7swdqrme6fnbwg6odo4h7l2tnoku3b3iz7wzxy2js2gdxu2xdi | tr -d \\r | tr -d \\n | grep x-archive-src
It's weird+annoying/confusing that curl uses \r in stdout. I thought there was some data stream problem or oddity like with stdout/1, stderr/2 (and whatever else like 3>&1, 4>&1, etc.) since "tr -d \\n" alone didn't seem to do anything. (Use strace or xxd to see that a command is emitting 0x0d0a or 0x0d.)