> that's when you play with the metaphors hard. But it oddly fits so,someone could make a parody of this episode by applying that interpretation. Also,Twilight has had actual influence on US politics...phew

Considering the fact that I was an someone who started to pay attention to politics around the early Obama years as a kid it almost brings back memories to me. Necon Twily is best almost meme.

> Build the wall,Trump. We are another brick in the wall,kids learning like robots and the anarchist revolution happens because of constant pressure or order.

It seems like a joke but this actually fits for the episode,that happened after the first song when they were skipping class. It's like a lighter or kid friendly version of that rebel side.

Kid friendly version of the rebel side is anoher import though lesser subtext of the ep methinks. Which  could 
probably be inferred in this order. Diversity > Screw Rigid School Bureaucracy > Kid friendly we need to buck the system.