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> it was about tolerance + screw the rigid school system both as subtexts.
basically, that stressful way of  teaching the book line by line without any detour or a diffferent way to teach the same but with some clever differences, made the light rebellion

> it was actually interesting to see her use her authority as princess completely at her own at the end and her leaning to take charge a bit. though I suppose some would argue that she should already have some experience in that, I think her obsessiveness to follow the rules makes sense for how they handled it. 
she treats the books as her religions and she has always been obsessive about certain things.Lesson Zero, What about Discord, the movie to put some examples proves that she cannot handle it as perfectly as she should but she has definitely gained some confidence over time.

> Twilight Sparkle not knowing about the prime regulatory body for the Equestrian School system makes no sense to me.
Consideering that she knows about how Equestria works, it´s really weird to see her surprised about that.

> this guy's a total jerk, I don't know what to do! vs This guy is a total jerk who controls the EEA, I don't know what to do!). That actually could have made for an interesting dynamic in itself.
Indeed,it could have lasted a few episodes for the build up and some duels between each other to see how deeply diferent views they have.

> this isn't really much of a criticism as much is it me being confused by how all this works in their world.
well, here there are the tweets from Jimmy. Basically all these stange things happened because of implementing the school alone. When you want to reach the eductaive all of a sudden (like the Cuite Map did with communism) then some context gets sacrificed in order to make some deep impact.

The 2nd tweet though....