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It’s interesting that Applejack isn’t involved until she bumps into the others delivering apples to Fluttershy. I wonder what it was that Fluttershy needed that many for? Probably not the Parasprites, since Applejack only becomes aware of them now that she’s delivering said apples.
Twilight’s spell to get them to stop eating the food backfiring is perfect. Right at the point where the threat needs to escalate in the structure of the episode, and a great ironic twist where you think Twilight should have been more specific with her words, even though that doesn’t actually have a bearing on how the spell is cast. And it led straight into the fantastic gag where the Apple family are defending their apples, only to have the Parasprites go and eat the barn.
And – oh! I forgot Zecora was in this episode. So yes, I suppose there is a continuity issue with putting this one first. Ah well! Though my comment about Parasprites being from further away may be somewhat the case given Zecora instantly recognises it. Though even she doesn’t know any kind of solution for them. Once again, we’re left to wonder whether it’s Pinkie’s powers that gave her knowledge of Parasprites, or past experience.
I like how, when Celestia mentions Twilight’s report, Twilight reacts exactly how I’d imagine someone would react if they forgot all about something in the midst of a bigger crisis. Just a small moment but just very well characterised, I thought.
The lesson is delivered in a more explicit way than usual at the end, though I have to say I think there’s some problems with the delivery. Since we know Pinkie Pie, we know that listening to her, a lot of the time, really isn’t the best idea. And she never really clearly or concisely explained anything, she just expected the others to understand what she meant. So it’s not really a mistake as such to have not listened to Pinkie, it’s more par for the course really, but I understand the message and there’s probably ones which are less well conveyed. Just more of a nitpick. Oh, and I loved the gag at the end too. Easily the strongest episode on comedic beats so far, I’d say.
The only other point I have against the episode is that it borders on being a reference to tribbles – it’s not QUITE there, but it skirts the line a bit in places, I think. But really that’s it. I’d say I reserve full 10/10 for episodes which really strike me as absolutely flawless, and honestly I’d expect just one or two of those, so for most I’d say the maximum is 9.9. With those two minor points against it, I’d say I deduct two decimals… So something like 9.7? It’s easily my favourite so far, I think it holds up very well indeed. And that seems to have been reflected with the length of my review - 3 posts! I had a lot more to say about it, it seems!