> Don't think too hard about it
A: This story has this flaw.
B: Yeah, but just don't think too deeply on it

It's an excuse to not care about bad narrative constructions. Person A is putting more focus on it than person B likes, so he wants to dismiss it. Like if you are really a fan of some story you are more likely to dismiss criticism. If you overall dislike a story, you are more likely to make it look like the criticisms are the main defining things for that story. "Don't think about it" may be said when fans and anti/non-fans/critics meet.

Should you feel bad about enjoying a story with flaws or plot holes? No. It means that you enjoy the good parts of it and didn't care so much about the bad parts. Just accept that some people have different views on how much the good/bad/other parts of a story define it. Life is fucking stupid, but I still enjoy parts of it.

> Attagenus unicolor
Really looking more like this instead: Dermestes lardarius
> unidentified dark-brown-colored beetle
Some type of ground beetle maybe, not Scarites. More likely to be: Prionus californicus. Still not sure what this is.