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> that are accused of being hugboxs I've seen a bit more negativity then I'm used to. Time will tell.
they are used to hearing their own eccochambers, which funnily enough we do. Anyway those reactions are worth to see and point out sometimes. Sometimes the reflections about how a desirable society for an individual should work comes into this innocent things. 
The episode actually went with some rebel spirit and putting some competiotion on education between Twilight and the EEA. As the Chancellor said, let´s see how it works but I think Twilight has got morals and values that the EEA didn´t have.
And that could lead to some really divergent views on seeing how a society should work. Twilight acknowledges how a school should work and see that there has to be some principles but not as far as the EEA had gone with it. 
Dolores was right. Twilight HAS DIPLOMATIC values and morals while the EEA didn´t bother on advancing in that point. This means that the view from the EEA won´t be the dominant view anymore and that Twilight holds a much external and universal view on how to give values from her experiences.

It´s ancap but it also comes from systematic criticism. Breaking the rules for what was done in the past means a new system and maybe, the new mainstream of how things should work. That has happened with art,music and lots of things, rebuilding the idea from nothing and give a future guide for a new generation.

I have to mention that discussing about this episode is deeper than expected and damn, I usually forget that we are discussing about a thing like MLP. That has escalated quickly again in 2018.