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Finally, I can easily run my own IPFS gateway (LAN only). I'm running it in HPC since trying to run it in MPC "always" had some weirdness happen. It's easy to do:
1. Edit $IPFS_PATH/config
2. The default gateway address is which is localhost and only accessible to that computer.
3. Change that to or whatever local IP address that you can reach anywhere on your LAN (e.g., running an Apache HTTP Server to see files on your HDD anywhere on your LAN - use that IP).
4. Test it. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qmdsox6XkeogSeWqsECEAWUNsamZhvZTVVQtAFYSGbJ5zZ/ is 99.9% identical to - basically or actually is visually and source-code identical.
Comparison: using Apache Server to access FUSE-mounted IPFS vs. using your own local IPFS gateway. Apache Server looks little like a gateway - for example, doesn't show the CID of each file and folder (so can't get that info from that). More importantly, I think a local gateway loads folders significantly faster (maybe it loads files faster too).
. No Cherry Jubilee entity in WD as of writing this: https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=Cherry+Jubilee
. Didn't see a PMV of "Paper Prince" by Foy Vance: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=0q-EhSQXKXA&nojs=1
Images from
. Book: "Pinkie Pie Steps Up"
. Bug or problem with something: "%23" in the path or link sometimes decodes to "#" (would be nice if it didn't do this).