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This Episode was another winner. I enjoy "puzzles" where each and everyone tries to tackle he problem and this certainly brings that feeling to the table. I liked the parasprites, simple enemy, simple problem, but enjoyable seeing them slowly messing up the ponies day (and later livelihoods I suppose). This episode really help set Pinkie Pie at her best; silly and whimsical, but not stupid, a distinction that was hard to pull off for characters with this archetype. Princess Celestia coming for a visit is a cozy and cute drive for conflict on its own. I like the backdrop. 

What else can I say? The lesson was good enough. Hehhehe, I feel like sometimes I spend too much time talking on these. I could nitpick this in a bunch of little was (the ponies weren't necessarily illogical at first for distrusting Pinkie being the one to hive such advice, but that is the point of the lesson! 

Something else that surprised me slightly: I liked Zecroa's little cameo. It is very minor but it didn't feel forced or out of place. It made sense that Twilight would seek her out after all other options had been exhausted. Something that I rmember thinking when I was watching Season 8 and 9 is that pacing felt off and moments liked that would've felt a little forced sometimes. I wonder if that is just nostalgia glasses or if there is any merit (I hazard the guess that a lot of things in future episode would be detours for fun/cameos for fan service, while this, as I said, did fit). 

My overall verdict for this episode is 8.5/10. This might be my a top fave this season and it had a lot of elements that I really liked. Honestly enjoyed it more than I recalled. Been years since I have seen it though, so that maybe a given.