And now, there it was, finally Swarm of the Century! Happened a little later than I thought. I still expect to have Winter Wrap Up sooner than later.
> Should you feel bad about enjoying a story with flaws or plot holes? No. It means that you enjoy the good parts of it and didn't care so much about the bad parts. Just accept that some people have different views on how much the good/bad/other parts of a story define it.
Very good point.
> (You no longer have that file.)
Actually I do, but it was cropped to the point of being unsuitable for use of a review. Probably an old YT rip that was trying to get around the copyright ID system.
> That electronic music feels meh.
Fair, it is sort, but I still love it myself.
> These are cool either way, but out of curiousity, did you take these pictures? They're very well shot if so!
Who knows, but I feel like it's more like a 7.5 at least. Even though I only watched it a few months ago, it's already better than I remember it!
No shame in that!