> Golden Harvest (Q129439707)
Also findable by searching for
> haswbstatement:"P6262=mlp:Golden_Harvest"
at https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?search=
and currently there's no results for
"many" results from a general search of "Philomena", but not "Amethyst Star".


FIM Swedish dub episodes (diff. video+audio) - duplicated locally and remotely:
> ipfs://bafybeietvtlev7t7d2c6ha4hp7tdtq3ie7y6xpafofdkn44ag4pp2vukha?filename=4%2520-%2520%25C3%2584ppelpengss%25C3%25A4song.f4v
> ipfs://bafybeibugdex7p5crtewyfjns67kchqbbatz4hiy4h7uhtxbnygqm2sigy?filename=3%2520-%2520Biljettballaden.f4v
> ipfs://bafybeieeqdx4d3qad74bxgdawcr2uwv36tml25gkmht7zaa76s7yfzpze4
> ipfs://bafybeigcajgdftjlalyfj73gwmbr6dgget7ovt6mhbyugxn3vlht4soeha
maybe also
> ipfs://bafybeifamgzt3mps626vvmo2rgqzpmviekorrh4inqraenxxfyirov7u74
I have some notes on these videos, but for now I can say the following. "Applebucking Season" is maybe the funniest Friendship Is Magic episode. Watching the swe dub of it recently: I laughed or chuckled at Mayor Mare making Twilight Sparkle rage quit, also when Pinkie Pie stop Applejack's head from shaking. Laughed at different part(s) of that episode in past viewings.

Folder for lang=swe = see previous posts, or:
> /ipns/k51qzi5uqu5diwzufekv38cynmdqlh0lwic1ve0d9w5a0glpy52qjc0l77h4t5/a/root/video/pony/mlp_fim_swedish/My Little Pony Vänskap är magisk
I see that my IPNS website has been online for about 2 years now (it did go through certain "big changes"). Not great uptime on that specifically (k51q...h4t5), but it should improve going into the future.


Feels like 99.9% of YT playlists don't have a description. This one does; this pony facts playlist says that it's a video version of certain texts: