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FIM Swedish dub episodes - duplicated locally and remotely:
> ipfs://bafybeicjl5ytiozo2vpkyzzeg7f5mrax54es2wbxrfs5bddviiurvwqyku?filename=16%2520-%2520Rainbows%2520ljudbang.f4v
> ipfs://bafybeigp7dpnvvv7nb3m4nfeghfh46o26mrcbo6qjpd6kdsjbqmonljhqy?filename=17%2520-%2520Stirrm%25C3%25A4staren.f4v
> ipfs://bafybeidjlyusigvgzeyekbcgi3w7qo6pl4jwvoqytot3kzrmzh4sjq22um
> ipfs://bafybeifac3ozruvktwvy34sjwylvihktjdtxvjatjl4oycxw4kzx5itwae

One of them is "Ticket Master" which is like S01E03 of FIM. In that episode, Fluttershy can be heard humming the My Little Pony theme. But which one? Seems like the G1 My Little Pony theme (music): "My Little Pony, My Little Pony, what will today's adventure be?". But I'm not sure it's that one specifically.

> Simple web tool: unminify JSON via Apache Server
Problems with web tools that you can find via DDG SERPs: bloatware, ads. Those problems are eliminated when using CGI, but then there's another problem: not encrypted (using HTTP only). Here's another web tool to use in Linux+CGI:

Can't look at view-source: in some inferior software such as Safari in iPone. Can use websites to do that, but those have the aforementioned adware and bloat. Usage example:

Pic unrelated