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>>/10843/ > she thought they didn't need to be remembered anymore and early Equestria history is unstable and she let it slide while keeping the info closed to her chest? Still doesn't fully feel "correct" in my mind. I'm also thinking of the mirror Sunset ends up using for bad purposes, and the seemingly everpresent risk of waking Sombra/the Changelings/Discord just by being around them. However, I think the explanation I favour most, even if we ignore the later seasons, is that she wants her subjects to live lives unafraid of existential threats like these. The friendship and harmony of the ponies is necessary to keep the windigos at bay, and to provide the environment necessary to train her successor in. Something I've been thinking about reading stuff about the Twilight transformation controversy is M.A Larson saying something to the effect of feeling it was always going to happen. And I have to say, so far in season 1 there is a conspicuous absence of actually using the Elements of Harmony, despite being introduced in the pilot. It DOES seem to suggest that this is essentially the calm before the storm, where Celestia really needs Twilight to settle into this community and solidify the relationships with her friends in order to have this whole Elements and successor plan work out. That is to say, it's comfy not just because that's how the show was made, it's also that way because Celestia needs it to be that way in order for Twilight to develop into who she needs to be. We later learn that fate has seemingly tied them all together, with the sonic rainboom, but whether Celestia knows that or whether had, say, Sunset been the student who ended up stopping Nightmare Moon there would have simply been a totally different set of friends, who's to say. Perhaps Sunset was affected by the rainboom too, if we take the fate/destiny angle to be true, specifically in terms of Celestia being aware of that destiny. > Agreed--though what does this say about dragons? I think you could juuuuust about see them having doglike mentalities. Really it makes me think more what the other creatures would be. Griffons are somewhat close to cats, perhaps. Just gets all a bit mind-bendy really. I'll probably get onto the next episode sometime next week. It depends on how much I write for it - I had so much I wanted to say about the last two, that it was really quite an effort to get it all down.