> "Ticket Master"
That is in fact S01E03. Why did Twilight Sparkle only get two tickets, probably because Princess Celestia of Equestria (title heard in that episode) thought that Twilight only made one friend. I was kinda surprised that I was able to rewatch (in the background) that entire ~800-MB video at
> https://ipfs.io/ipns/k51qzi5uqu5diwzufekv38cynmdqlh0lwic1ve0d9w5a0glpy52qjc0l77h4t5/a/root/video/pony/mlp_fim_swedish/My%20Little%20Pony%20Vänskap%20är%20magisk/3%20-%20Biljettballaden.f4v
because ipfs.io basically is bad at sharing files and only works on more-highly distributed or propagated data. (That F4V file is "lowly distributed".)
> Swedish mares
In danger of being raped by migrants from Zebra lands and from Saddle Arabia.
> Humming
. "My Little Pony" https://invidious.reallyaweso.me/watch?v=EdU1iz5mKbc (a short part of it)
.. "ah ah ah ah ah" (5 syllables)
. "My Little Pony, My Little Pony, ah ah ah ah ah ah ah" [F4V linked above at 00:15:52] (a longer part of it)
.. where the last 7 ahs/syllables = 8-syllable "what will today's adventure be?" or fudged 7-syllable "what'll today's adventure be?". 8 syllables in "My Little Pony g1 opening": https://web.archive.org/web/20220611220634/https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=2oB7Jh9BTXE
Video: I could imagine the CMC being this annoying or around this level of annoying. Like how they were kinda annoying or obnoxious when Fluttershy was foalsitting them.