/ipns/gw2.ipfs-archive.online is a 1.2-TB folder which currently resolves to /ipfs/QmSC65PDbY9utmymNooeCDBvyNdb7ta67wwSXMsLRcypcs (neither are mine). It contains picrel MLP fan image:
https://ipfs.io/ipns/gw2.ipfs-archive.online/Archive/DA/ColorCopyCenter/gallery/American-Civil-War-ponies-293442172.png ( https://megalodon.jp/2024-0823-1808-20/https://archive.is:443/tWZUG )
> My Little Pony: Beyond Equestria: Pinkie Pie Steps Up
Entity details:
> The Crystaller Building sparkled in the midday sunshine, as if the rows of skyscrapers flanking it were spires in a glittering royal crown.
BTW, Pinata supports HTTP and HTTPS ( http://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWtiWxpAZohHzGeW33MvzQenLWT7ahLNoZWE7cm3Jfv62 ). It would be neat if more websites had an HTTP option (along with an HTTPS option), for some systems work better with HTTP and not HTTPS.