> That´s some kind of eerie and I hold the same views as yours.

> Like the paranoia took him beyond the consequences and remained untouched for saying that the 3 races of ponies are superior. 

Again, I could picture a bureaucrat who can't be removed at the flick of a pen, or I guess in this case a quill. I'm still trying to wrap my head at where this leaves things in terms of Equestria's government structure. Though not the most detailed thing that has everything spelled out for us, the EEA seems to conflict a pretty good deal with what we've seen before.I'm not even just talking about in terms of the political powers of the Princesses either. I will detail my thoughts once I check through the cannon to show ya what I mean. 

> or an antagonist. Some are making headcanons that he releases Tirek as revenge for the finale. I wouldn´t be surprised if that happened?

That could be interesting.