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>>/1087/ > I will detail my thoughts once I check through the cannon to show ya what I mean. Equestria's Government never was really the most defined thing in the world, but the assumption that most of the fandom held was that it was an absolute monarchy of some sort. We've seen that the Princes granted land to form ponyville to the Apple family.We have seen Equestria apparently having no leadership and the guards freakout without the presence of Princess in Princess Twilight Sparkle. We've also seen the Princess serve roles of both minor and significant arbitration over ponies Trade Ya! and more importantly in A Royal Problem with the dispute Fillydelphia and Baltimare as if they would be the final authority on such matters. Though I actually can buy ponies that Celestia can't remove easily, I would think his conduct way more then justified it, so it does make me question how much hard power the Princesses do hold. Now I've heard of examples being mentioned in the past in reguards to the comics having a few things that suggest more checks and balances, but I wasn't able to find anything in my search at the moment though I hadn't followed the comics the best. I can't recall anything off the top of my head other then the good, the bad and the ponies arch where Twilight said that she couldn't use her magic against citizens of equestria. Which was done in a very arbitrary and weird way for the sake of the plot to last longer, and maybe contradicted by her use of magic in The Hooffields and McColts. The comics are secondary canon that are oftentimes ignored and sometimes directly contraindicated in the show, but I won't fully discount them. Though honestly what I find more strange is how centralized the EEA seemed. Again, not completely impossible to exist, sense this show obviously wasn't going to spell out things for us . But most other high level bureaucratic functions have been implied to be divided on both between both what race you were and also regionally. The Clouddale authorities controlled the weather, yet with things such as Spike saying in winter wrap up that the unicorns use magic to clear the weather and implications that various towns have their own traditions at least between the pony races . Plus the fact that Ponyvile itself seeming to have some authority on how the weather schedules is handled suggested some anatomy here as well. Usually the highest bureaucratic reperitives outside of the Princesses were either some authorities for race specific things or just on a city level. My theory on Equestria's government before this was that it was some kind of very flat pyramid structure, with not much in between the Princesses and the various towns and cities that existed. The Princess had a bunch of individual obligations to various towns both small and large that seemed to reinforce this notion. The aftermentioned dispute in A royal problem is what really finalized it for me, though my thoughts had drifted in that direction all the way back in It's About Time, where Twilight Sparkle sent the Ponyville Pegasi to warn the cities on a individual basis. The EEA seems to conflict with both those ideas, seemly authority that is both rigid and extremely centralized, rather then Pegasi being the ones in charge of flight certifications and weather and Unicorns being the ones in charge of magic, and earth ponies either being on a town by town basis or having some sort of bureaucracy that is in charge of there schools. Welp, I felt like I was a bit rambly, but I think you get my point. Though I suppose there is something somehwere that could perhaps conflict with everything I said, but that's what you get for over analyzing a little girls show.