SEC torrent size = 501 GB. Someone described it as "Spike El cloppero dump, Contains paid patreon content, most of it is >no hooves". I have a zpool at 89% full with roughly 1.68T free. Don't want to fill a storage pool up beyond 94 or 95%. (Shouldn't be filled >90%, but I'm probably not going to care about that.) I can delete like 220 GB of internal copies (duplicate data in one HDD and not different HDDs).
Ponified these lyrics for the fun of it or some reason:
> Watch out cause here we come
> It's been a while but we're back with style
> So get set to have some fun
> We'll bring you action and satisfaction
> We're the Mane Six
> We're best friends and we all eat hay
> We're the Mane Six
> Guaranteed to brighten your day
> When you feel like a laugh
> Give us a call, we'll give you our all
> And if you feel like a song
> Tune in to us and sing right along
> We're the Mane Six
> Coming on stronger than ever before
> We're the Mane Six
> From now until evermore
> Doo Doo, Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo
> Doo Doo, Doo-Doo-Doo-Doo
(ImmaLittlePip commented on / - video downloaded when testing something.)