First times I've seen this gross CF block in desuarchive:
> [Protection-racket-flare:] Sorry, you have been blocked
> You are unable to access is a website which has copies of some /mlp/ and /g/ threads, also some other 4chan boards. /g/post/102065510 = /g/ thread #102065510. A post in that thread about Save Page Now and stuff:
> >link to a ~3GB file
> Website has a 2-GB limit on files, but if the WARC was added by non-SPN sources, then there's "no limit"; example:
> >*/
> >Tue, 14 May 2024 16:37:20 GMT (why: archivebot, archiveteam)
> So the capture at that timestamp should be the full 3GB and not just the first 2GB of it.
> SEC torrent (501 GiB)
I've made an IPFS copy of that. It seems that I can't pin anything after Lubuntu 24.04 (which I've experienced to be more unstable than Ubuntu ver. # with i3 wm) blacked out >>/10884/. (Therefore, to retain CIDs, I gotta focus more on MFS, text files, etc.)