2017 video not in TPA - "BRONY CRINGE COMPILATION 2017":
. Quite a few of these aren't embarrassing or "cringe"
. Remote low-quality download=done, local midgrade download=done, so more=todo
. 500K views; small/medium-sized channel
Days ago, ipfs.io claimed that starts-with-z CIDs are "Unprocessable":
Now it can process them:
https://megalodon.jp/2024-0831-2234-41/https://archive.is:443/bLNK8 ( https://ipfs.io/ipfs/zb2rhfMfthqjiEBqANmRyP1L3kzHxabZrwZH9az8QA2ZKm1oQ )
These "mysterious Z CIDs" (IPLD related I think) are used in The Permabooru.