A Butterfly's Touch mp4
(26.04 MB, 1440x1080 h264)
Some fucking disgrace runs this walled garden C*flared text-only website:
> https://tvshowtranscripts.ourboard.org/viewtopic.php?t=7334
Can no longer download those webpages by running
> $ lynx -source "$url" > f.htm
because CF will obnoxiously MITM that. However, I finally pretty much have a LAN-complete IPFS solution. I'm running a local gateway and IPFS API RPC on my LAN. So I can do things like duplicate those pages and host them: as commanded by via various device. That transcript:
> https://ipfs.desmos.network/ipfs/QmbfeXTcRwNRCvFpLgrELjeD4J1EQUHuc8EmGk3ff5Ljnu
Some of that text:
> PINEY: Don't let that horse truce fool you.
Some text seen from daemon start up:
> RPC API server listening on /ip4/
> WebUI:
> Gateway server listening on /ip4/
(How: easily change some things in the config, then make some more easy config changes.)
Fluttershy's humming the My Little Pony theme in this clop video (man x pegasus):
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeiblfbps754ng4rks6khs4sgurlohf4lqbpugqktemupgh2u27y6aa/SEC/A%20Butterfly%27s%20Touch.mp4
Sex with ponies is great. No impregnation = amounts masturbation (basically). However, they're magical mares, so perhaps it works differently than expected.