2023 video not in TPA - "MLP:FiM - Flowers (PMV) (ft. Fluttershy)":
. Non-small channel; local+remote >>/pone/10899@10357
*That's now gone

Could make a post to anchor this.

That ASCII art doesn't show up right in Silk Browser (Chrome) on Android. What it should look like:

 >>/10690/ [ - read from this]
Right, I could have tested different domains before making a judgement about something working or not.


Tech info - https://desuarchive.org/g/thread/102174113/#102179763
. Q: Is there such a thing as a liveboot ISO for *BSD? If there is, I think it would fit in a CD. A: GhostBSD and NomadBSD have live environments.
.. so no liveboot for FreeBSD or OpenBSD (doesn't matter I surmise)
. Q: [102184078: running an Apache(?) server on the LAN all the time, will it get hacked?] A: The only way you're going to get hacked is if you have ports exposed to the internet through the firewall
.. unless there's a hacker in your midst or living near you