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Might be the best episode of the season. I am saying that right now t start. 

This episode I always saw mentioned as a highlight by others in the early days (and still) but it was one I merely thought was good. I don't remember disliking it but there were other episodes in Season 1 that I was drawn to more. Sometimes watching something again with fresh eyes can change things and I think this happened here. Winter Wrap Up, the song, goodness, that ending. I've seen it before, why did it stick out to me so much more this time?! Twilight stole the show there!

The storyline was a cute and comfy conflict (though weirdly for me, not peek comfy, but I digress). If you feel like Twilight was shoehorned in to much but the early attempt to conform to an educational show with a message this was not one of them. All of the rest of the Mane 5 were highlighted well enough and each had there moment. My favorite of those probably being... Rarity's. I enjoyed the comedy Twilight's tragedy of a bird nest and the payoff of the joke that she only did that bird nest. Still, Twilight was cute on the ice skates, so Pinkie comes in a close second. I know Rainbow Dash's little moment was sort but she was still highlighted in leading the weather team. 

This episode is also one of the ones that I think really made the world feel alive in two ways:
1): All the characters, going about and doing things, showed Ponyville out and about collaborating on a task. A bit of extra effort in animation and secondary moments make this stand out.

2): The tradition of changing the weather, so manually and in some ways, surreal, is something that could've had a million jokes cracked at it's expense at the ridiculousness of it, and played it with complete sincerity. Now, I know that they do make jokes poking fun of the world plenty of times, but they don't (usually) treat it as stupid and here they played it with utmost seriousness that Twilight had her goal to help in this little project. Maybe I am reading too much into this, but, had the show been more self aware (and perhaps come out a couple of years later) this might not have been so and the world set out here would've suffered for it. This is one of the things that makes the show feel alive and complete. The world has its own set of rules and logic that is trying to follow. 

Overall, may rating for this is a 9/10. I am not sure it'll turn out to be my fav of the season, but it fully deserves my first higher than 8 rating.