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Animation/whatever moments:
Several things that stuck out. I don't have time through them all but will highlight these too clips here. Twilight Sparkle having this brief seen of running down the hill. I found it cool. It is very tiny yet a fair bit of extra effort for a little two second shot that is completely unnecessarily. At least for the stereotype of caliber of show that this was supposed to be.  

Rainbow Dash camera effect or whatever you call it here. Again, cool little detail. I am not sure the level of effort this takes but this is what I mean by little extras. This might be relevant to a scene that did get some fandom discussion in Season 2 as well.  I can show it now or save it for when we get there.

Golden Oaks Bees are back.
Seriously, need to keep track of this little beehive and see how often it was animated. Considering how easy an asset like that is to reuse I imagine a lot. 

"You're not mommy..
Twilight Sparkle awoke Spike...

That is what I am here for, sister.
...and what Spike said after Twilight   "thanked" him for his attempt at comforting her. This Episode is some of the strongest evidence for a more brotherly/sisterly dynamic between Spike and Twilight. Albeit I take sister to be more in a general sarcastic sense rather than him referring to familial relations specifically.

Who was the 'Mommy' Spike was referring too? Even in full canon, that is unclear, and here... well, the only thing I recall is that Faust said that he saw Celestia as something of a mother to Spike, but I don't recall much of any context in the season for it. 

Male population of Ponyville
...exists. I remember this being a point of discussion back when many would headcanon/theorize that Ponyville/Equestria being predominately and overly female (a gender imbalance still kind of exists though) . I like the idea that most of the stallions are just out working planting crops.  

Society and Culture I already rambled about, this established a lot. I can try to twist my head around all day on bunch of factors on this. I like a lot of little facts, like, uncorns possibly being more dismissive/less ceremony with the changing of seasons (at least from Spike's attitude on magic being used to clean the show). It also means the reverence and tradition that we might see ascribed to Equestria is really rural Earth Pony with a dash of pegasi culture. Unicorns in Canterlot are the least connected with the running of the weather.  

Twilight in this was so cute!
I liked the context of her really wanting to play a part and her innocence, excitement and fears during this. Her getting up too early for even farm ponies was also funny.

I think I'll end it here, I am tired, but I am happy to have finally gotten this review out! Replies later! /)