> I've lightly analyzed rule34.xxx website data over the past months. It seems that a large mass purge happened with image posts between image upload #1 and image upload #1,000,000. I don't have solid stats to prove this, but that's what it looks like. This is another reason to dislike and distrust booru.org (who runs rule34.x).
Talking about 1 million posts directly deleted or just a sample/percentage of them between those two numbers?
I'd say it is probably pretty restrictive in the old style form sort of way. If you even know the type of thing I'm even taking about. Personal beefs, power tripping and cliches over the normal social media style drama of performative BS. Moderation probably left of center (in some cases with these forums, can be right leaning, same point still applies) of center but less grounded in social media political dynamics That is my perception as someone who has only sometimes run into it.
> Floorb or Twifag or whoever should skip a year making the next dumb furrycon to do this: pay for security audits to be done on the Twibooru by white-hat hackers, then open source all of its source code, releasing it as GPL'd once they fix the problems found in it.
I think that wouldn't be a bad idea other than I don't know the price of security audits.