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18-GB mlp comics folder has been deleted (not under my control):
. - previously
. - only one file: picrel

My copy of that now-deleted folder (which I might have in 2 HDDs):

> Copying ~50 GB of MLP-related SQL files from some HDD (dl'd from
62 GB folder titled "iwiftp-tumblr":
. have a somewhat better copy in MFS
. in 2 HDDs + still online in
. description: hashes and probably also other metadata of image files in tumblr WARCs

OK, that's what I originally thought was the case. My instincts were right, and that's how I thought it was in the dream. Perhaps I did see this before and forgot + only remembered subconsciously. The more thinking I did: ended up settling on the wrong answer.


I have multiple older internal IDE HDDs. This says
> To detect the disk you can also use "echo 1 > /sys/class/scsi_device/0\:0\:0\:0/device/rescan" without having to install scsitools. (Replace 0\:0\:0\:0 with the appropriate bus). [Run it as root to write to "rescan".]
Without rebooting a computer running a liveboot of Fedora 20, I switched out an IDE HDD with another IDD HDD and followed that suggestion: it didn't work. So I had to reboot to detect the now-plugged-in HDD: kinda annoying.