Tags of entities which are clearly seen in this video were removed: https://web.archive.org/web/20240910233007/https://derpibooru.org/images/2761407/tag_changes?page=1 - why? Due to some arbitrary reason. It's idiotic. Tags should describe everything in the media, not just what's in the foreground. Otherwise, make some system where tags are ranked as 1 to 3, or 1 to 100. Going with 1 to 3: a specific tag on a specific image with a rank of 1 = shows up last in searches. Rank 2 = shows up in the middle. Rank 1 = shows up first. All tags are by default set to rank 1. Wikidata uses this three-tier system.
About that berrypun.ch screenshot: the text is in cursive in the website. ウェブ魚拓 didn't capture that and instead rendered it in a basic font.
It's basically impossible to hotswap a motherboard-connected IDE HDD: