> That´s what most plebs and people in general tend to believe at first, but instead of being an innocent show,it´s us who are the innocents about looking down on it before. Sure it´s not Game of Thrones, but damn specualting about the lore and how the system works has made us talk a lot more than expected. 

There was just enough thought put into it to give us tidbits to speculate on. Faust wasn't trying to create a deep lore, but she did have set rules on how the world worked and some possible secrets  which she never thought would get any attention . Just enough to start to theorize and connect dots early on. Then post Faust they started to leave fan service, then later on full on lore. 

> MLP has received a boost on continuity since A Canterlot Wedding. I consider from season 3 onwards involving some continuity and this reaches its peak with season 4 premiere and finale. Once in that point, everyhting involves some context(not a complex one though). 

Season 1 had a few rules and subtexts that Faust put in a background ambiance.
Season 2 had fan service. 
Season 3 started to give us breadcrumbs of lore 
Season 4 was the fulfillment of this linear path. With anything past more at the whims of the who was writing in service of what. Either lore, fan service or something that they'd think would be a good lesson  and sometimes all the above 

> She used magic on them but it was a move to make them stop, not use it as a weapon. She has used it with the mane 6 before. Again, there is not a holy bible nor solid principles to clarify what should be done or not.

The problem was she wouldn't do any force whatsoever. Not even magical diplays or threats despite the fact that the gang was attacking them. It was just an stupid thing to keep the plot going.

> Using the comics is certainly not the most indicated way to inform, just treating them as some bonus or optional addition to some random things.

That's the best way to treat them for sure. Especially ones with stuff like Nightmare Rarity.