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>>/1101/ > Just enough to start to theorize and connect dots early on. Then post Faust they started to leave fan service, then later on full on lore. Money comes into the party and that progression comes slowly by the time you realize the audience interested on the show. you see that season1 had random things that were never intended to explained but those little random things got more advanced and even essential to upper the quality and give some flow to the show. Gilda was a random friend, Trixie was just a random pony to test Twilight on magic tricks, Snails was a complete idiot because idiots have to exist in every show,the Pie family was just a simple family and Maud wasn´t not even there in Cuite Mark Chronicles... > With anything past more at the whims of the who was writing in service of what. Either lore, fan service or something that they'd think would be a good lesson and sometimes all the above Well, everything seems to be connected these days. Now, nothing is as random as before and if it seems so, most of the times has a certain background applied into it that reinforces the simple idea. Season 7 for example, Campfire Tales is just an episode about old fairy tales and legendary stories of very old figures, far away from the dynamic of the curerent situation, just to teach morals to the kids...and then, bam they were real and they come back to life in the current timeline and that implies the so awaited Starswirl. Just old campfire stories right? > It was just an stupid thing to keep the plot going. The best thing to come out from Hoffields and Mccolts was Fluttershy,a reference like the Troyan horse tactic and serve for the episode of Flutershy Leans In. The rest was nothing special. > Especially ones with stuff like Nightmare Rarity. I wonder how much effect the comic characters have by introducing them into the gameloft pay to consume game. Nightmare Rarity would have been a good arc. A Royal Problem was based exactly on the plot from a comic, just that instead of featuring the princesses only, Dolores goes there with the map plot device