>  >a post ITT, above
> [text about an Applejack PMV IIRC, youtube-we8HlKjNuio]
> removed: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/channel/UCv-in54UcjPqdcLuRLxdKLg
> This account has been terminated because we received multiple third-party claims of copyright infringement regarding material the user posted.
> Saved by me before it was deleted: https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/QmWXKKkeWsnk9ATz33XdHF6aTCcNxW2pakzDXDXfdngfLc/Kim_Jae_keyoung_UCv-in54UcjPqdcLuRLxdKLg
I didn't have a great thing to save YT metadata back then, so I could engage in the "painful" process of writing JSONs to contain that. Obviously, harder to do now that that YT channel has been deleted. Fields are seen below, listed from more important to less important. "null" is vague, for it could mean "no value" or "unknown value". Better to use null than either of those two strings though (unless you are using some other system). YouTube video info (only use null if unknown/no value):
. video id, string
. title, string
. upload date, string
. description, string
. thumbnail, string
. uploader channel id, string
. uploader username, string
. uploader channel status, string, deleted/live
. comment count, int
. comment status, string, enabled/disabled
. comments json, string, link (even more work)
. comments page, string, link to an archive URL
. comments api, string, link to comments in API format
. upload date (api), string
. canonical URL, string, youtube.com
. archive URL [n], string, for any links (thumbnail+webpage+etc.)
. video file, string, "live links" only
. video duration, string
. video resolution, string, widthxheight
. etc. - like finding which itag the video and/or audio corresponds to, but I guess I won't do that

*guessed 7 passwords[, incl. "friendship".]

> watched a short video
In this folder (not mine):
> https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/Qma6QwLrfpuujiP6YdwoxjgexsbW6LmKjHVXTJ9tpaBMUy
it contains the video file in 240p and 360p, but not the metadata, like the title of it in that IPFS video sharing website.