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Personal stance on Peertube and distributed video: I like it in theory but have felt that current implementations are a bit rocky.
> . Kudos on him for the effort, but without using an established/"good code" thing like PeerTube (which I think had multiple guys working on the code), it could be too buggy. Other problem with storrytv: tries to play the video from a bunch of different gateways which are all now gone or they don't work well. Would be neat if there was ways to tell it to use some other GW.
Without looking it up, if they use WebRTC I know Peertube ran into some issues earlier on with that as well. Though if I recall they blamed more of that on there old video encoding system. Need to look it up.
Part of me almost wonders the "best" YT implication might be a no frills system to dump video files. I've had less problems with the generic HTML5 player than what has been often implemented on various sites (from the JWplayer to Peertube, they all just seem a little less smooth). I mean, we were okay with using the default web player with our attempt at a digital YT old comments and video museum attempt awhile back ( >>/8361/).
Hmmmmmmmmm.... Need to study the finances/burden of the higher traffic boorus (Derpi and Twibooru). They serve video files this way. Of course the finical burden of this is beyond a normal anon I do wonder if more video oriented retool of philomena or something would be an option for low to mid level distribution? Could several anons with small instances run it economically? It wouldn't be distributed in the traditional sense though.