> ML slop: https://light.wiki/ [I saw this linked as a banner ad in 4chan /fglt/]
Those images are like "on-the-fly" AI pics. Some of them are kinda cool, others, not so much. What AI is not generative AI? Not sure, I guess AI that can learn to walk or play some retro video game isn't generative AI. Making art or conversation = is. Examples of neat images:
. https://light.wiki/Princess+Celestia
.. https://web.archive.org/web/20240918010602im_/https://oaidalleapiprodscus.blob.core.windows.net/private/org-HezyCq5hdhPJGUreaKGmIjjj/user-m8MeMHyyPActb8gBaWqim0DQ/img-fAlPTajARiLrBZZP4dO9oYP5.png?st=2024-09-18T00%3A06%3A10Z&se=2024-09-18T02%3A06%3A10Z&sp=r&sv=2024-08-04&sr=b&rscd=inline&rsct=image/png&skoid=d505667d-d6c1-4a0a-bac7-5c84a87759f8&sktid=a48cca56-e6da-484e-a814-9c849652bcb3&skt=2024-09-18T00%3A42%3A06Z&ske=2024-09-19T00%3A42%3A06Z&sks=b&skv=2024-08-04&sig=7mRDtD7XQDJBExjUjCBq8lKIAWna6PQ1Y3kHcdAuCLs%3D
. https://light.wiki/My+Little+Pony:+Friendship+Is+Magic
.. https://cdn.light.wiki/9712769b889d328be6505d8b8e62ba98.webp
. https://light.wiki/Twilight+Sparkle
. they look deformed, or completely insane: https://light.wiki/Bronies
. BTW, this page didn't load, so I think they're using some politically correct AI API: https://megalodon.jp/2024-0918-1339-59/https://archive.is:443/2024.09.18-014543/https://light.wiki/Nazism
(Kinda don't remember, but I think the NFT craze was before the current AI craze.) Very first page load for a specific takes like 10 to 15 seconds, may get "crappy images" such as https://light.wiki/Lyra+Heartstrings and https://light.wiki/Lyra_Heartstrings . Not Bon, but does look like a G4 pony: https://light.wiki/Bon+Bon+(MLP) - uh, nevermind, the one I was looking at is gone because each page refresh/load showed a different image (not the behavior I saw from that site yesterday or over the past hours). It's annoying when websites do that: a thing is there one second, then seconds later, or if you look at that page again, it's gone forever. There should be more respect for history and determinism. I saw one or two OK ones for "Rarity (MLP)" = gone. So instead, here's the image from https://web.archive.org/web/20240918052301/https://light.wiki/Rarity+%28My+Little+Pony%29 + other images: