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In 2024-09-18 UTC, Endchan was offline for hour(s): . - short link: . This resulted in me losing the text that I was going to post ( ), and I didn't get it back when the site became functional again. Still feels bad: it was a good post, so next time a site goes offline, make sure I have text in memory there copied elsewhere or duplicated as soon as I realize that. (The following is some of that lost text + other things.) The 2021 album "Forever Broken: The Continuing Tale of Pinkie Pie & Ponycide" has been added to this ad-free knowledge base: That album is described by this ads-everywhere walled-garden website: hxxps://rateyourmusic[.]com/release/album/tarbyrocks-and-narokath/forever-broken-the-continuing-tale-of-pinkie-pie-and-ponycide-1/ On mobile, it was somewhat difficult to even download that webpage. It's like absolutely everyone has to fill out a fucking cf captcha every time any page is visited or refreshed. Open access copies: That website isn't part of the free and open Internet, so I couldn't easily and didn't get a direct raw copy of that webpage. But I did get an MHTML copy which is apparently better than this conversion to webpage (text/html): Along with, the walledsite is definitely on my shit list. Not sure which is worse. I knew that RYM was bad from years ago, just now reminded of that. A RYM user rated that album as 0.50 out of 5 stars. I definitely disagree with that. For instance, the last track, "The Morning After", is pretty great: This page may refer to it as "Something Broke: The Continuing Tale Of Pinkie Pie & Ponycide", which is dumb/incorrect because that's an earlier work. But, IDK, I didn't really look into it. I think that's an incorrectly titled YT vid where got that from. 2 or 3 cloud shartage shares of this album have been deleted: ; source ; source status ; IPFS copy ; format ; ; deleted ; ; HD FLAC, 15-file folder ; ; maybe deleted ; ipfs://QmSRkSqysGEYA38vkDLVZfeHPjW1PVgDrsycZv5tuT7Mw3 ; FLAC, ZIP file named "TarbyRocks & Narokath - Forever Broken- The Continuing Tale Of Pinkie Pie & Ponycide (16-bit).zip" ; ; deleted ; ; MP3, 15-file folder Months ago, I think all 3 of those IPFS backups were copied to some other site(s). ----\\ This folder has been duplicated remotely: http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/web/raws/ Are you able to open/view/access the following image file? Someone couldn't or got an HTTP 500 error. http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/image/titled/QmVDymVqNRwADtek9rBiW67LcyeNpvMXgRY8szyZ2SM9U8/Album_art_of_Forever_Broken/IMG_3543.PNG