*hasn't been digitized.
> PDF how-to
Now I'm better at making media my bitch ( https://boards.4chan.org/t/thread/1157474/academic-torrents#p1331287 -> /ipfs/bafybeihgoqu5tkngq3uhezkvofh7sf5ivjjavgibrm2n6scza5ozij2rne -> PDF and JPGs ).
> image
Yes that's the one. Appreciate you testing that; I assume you got it by using Tor Browser, and not torsocks (formerly torify). Can't test those things so well now that all of the Tor2clearweb gateways are gone. archive.is is unable to capture that specific PNG in that website for some reason (which is related to darkhttpd):
> https://archive.ph/?url=http://ponypalsh4y6olziyjlswfv674utokqhz3y6beym2erqtstcgadmacid.onion:81/ipfs/QmfGiwuMqoZsYQymHXzwAR2gZKUopwP9dzEhRikM1wKXJ5/a/root/image/titled/QmVDymVqNRwADtek9rBiW67LcyeNpvMXgRY8szyZ2SM9U8/Album_art_of_Forever_Broken/IMG_3543.PNG
> printed media
Missing these pages from 2015 printed book "Little Pony Coloring Book":
. RIS metadata: https://nftstorage.link/ipfs/bafybeif533b3ekb6ceitlq64povkdu2z2mmuc4fv3v5xd2d2httxbvxobu/4chan/mlp/thread/40219665/40226321
. Buy it: https://archive.is/2023.08.15-160026/https://web.archive.org/web/20230815155727/https://www.amazon.co.uk/Little-Pony-Coloring-Lindsay-Cibos/dp/144034387X
Running that Slax Linux release in HPC (32-bit). Running latest Lubuntu in MPC (64-bit). Computer LPC has been offline for like months; computer XPC works well with Windows XP, but Linux does not run on it for more than like 5 or 10 minutes - tested with multiple liveboots. (So try NomadBSD or GhostBSD on it maybe, or other liveboot CDs.)
"Silly idea" for a lazy PMV - slideshow of these images https://twibooru.org/search/index?q=loss+(meme) set to the last track of
> The_Antlers_-_Hospice_Full_Album-musicisprettyneat-20120128-youtube-640x480-xSi_FE52TAY.mp4 https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=xSi_FE52TAY
I like that last track, and another track in that album has the same tune/style or is similar (call it "Bear"). It's emotional, catchy, and unique, also includes something of a story. Or, because loss is a joke, more serious hospital/medical images. ( Capture of Invidious slashing the redirect list again: https://megalodon.jp/2024-0922-1645-21/https://archive.is:443/2024.09.21-215000/https://redirect.invidious.io/watch?v=V-ZVcL1k6Gg )