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Currently, all pages of this thread have been saved to WBM:

This was not such a pleasant experience because it kept showing "cf: you are blocked" or "403 forbidden". A way to reduce the chance of running into those captures: uncheck the box which says to save 4xx and 5xx.

Also saved every SERP in this category or IT literature and parts:

That was also not so fun because of all of these floating/JS banners, elements, slide-ins, and impediments. No cfwall from that site, but I had to either be fast to click the next page button or close a floating banner in order to reach it at all. Dynamic/JS parts of sites can perhaps be cool, but too much of that is annoying.

The point is that manually trying to save "large parts" of a website is less likely to happen if the pagination thing is annoying, or the site keeps on blocking or rejecting access to anyone requesting pages at a slightly-above-average frequency. \\ It's possible to ssh into a computer at a local IPv6 address:

More extreme forms of lowering accessibility  >>/11132/ are sickening and likely influenced by greed.